We are proud of our team, which, despite its small size, is achieving great things across Central Europe. We can’t afford to settle for anything less than perfection at any one position.
1024 Budapest, Keleti Károly utca 13b
Tel: +36 1 203 4567

Agnesa Gasperanová
Agnesa (44) born and raised in Slovakia with Major in Hospitality and Tourism Management with multilingual background. International (Europe and overseas) working experiences include training of event management team. With company since 2013, first in charge of Operations at Superbrands Program and later GREEN BRANDS Program in all 3 countries. Mother of 2 dancing queens.

Viktória Novák
The anchor of financial matters and Office Manager at Superbrands, Viki has been on the Superbrands CEE team the longest. Although she is about the same age as everyone else, she has always been a mother figure for all at the office, while she has four kids and a beautiful granddaughter of her own.
1050 Wien, Hamburgerstraße 8/4
Tel: +4313750227

András Wiszkidenszky
Economist, brand specialist, publisher. Head of the international Superbrands organisation and GREEN BRANDS sustainability audit in Central Europe. Andras teaches economics and marketing at the Lauder Business School in Vienna. He specialises in corporate sustainability and the economics of sustainability.
150 00 Praha 5, NODES Radlická 180/50
Tel: +420 228 886 468

Roman Sovják
Roman (48) entrepreneur, specialized in event management, sales & marketing. Master´s degree in Czech language and history. Running almost 10 years Czech Superbrands marketing program as Country Manager. Lover of travelling, nature and individual sports such as in-line skating, swimming & fitness.

Szilvia Homok
With the formative years spent in Prague as a child, Szilva later studied then taught English literature at ELTE, while also teaching a few hundred individuals wishing to improve their English grammar and conversational skills. Presently she solves various tasks as the member of the Czech Superbrands Team. Constantly learning something new at home as well, where three kids of various ages keep her company. An avid learner of languages.
83107 Bratislava Vajnorská 8/a
Tel: +421 918 895 009

Erik Koronczi
Erik (35) graduated from project management in Prague with passion in extreme sports, running, free-ride biking. Wine and food enthusiast. Head of Superbrands Slovakia with focus on branding and networking. His main responsibilities are representing Superbrands values towards awarded brands and partners.

Veronika Daová
Veronika (38), mother of twins, operations officer at Superbrands CE. Responsible for the smooth running of the Slovakian business. Born in Bratislava to a Hungarian-Vietnamese family. Raised, studied and graduated in Budapest and received her PhD at the Masaryk University, Brno. Both her private and professional life is determined by her bicultural heritage. When she is not working, Veronika spends most of her time with her family, prefers active recreation, such as wakeboarding, running or just going for long walks with their whippet.